
Hello everyone!

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but due to an administration oversight a number of reversals were not processed for a few of our sponsors, for quite some time. We will be processing these reversals for the next little while.

For more information on what reversals are please refer to our FAQ

Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your understanding.


Well that explains the random reversals for offers I completed months ago. I’m also being credited by offers I don’t remember completing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess that also explains the problems I’ve been having with the give us your 2 cents and opinion surveys. It took a day or two for them to credit.


Okie. Thanks for the info. :>

I blame genetics.

I got reversed by 2 trialpay offers and I haven’t done their offers in over a year XD

i dont even have coin offers