Is there actually a new user tutorial ? Some of us are actually new to all this stuff - as in trying to learn it as plod through older age compared to those who been brought up with tech. And no am not ashamed to admit a lot is way over my head lol, so any help finding way around things is greatly apprecaited
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Ahh, good idea! Not yet, but that is something I will be working on. A general guide for discourse (this platform) is coming soon™ lol
i think there is guide in the FAQ
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@rras9989 ok show off but nope is not a dummies guide for dummies like me ie how did you do what you did with King’s message ? …quotes ? doh come on I’m old lmao
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well looky here at what I did…fiddling can pay off LMAO
@KingEagle well I must admit discobot is so cool don’t ya agree ?
- but of course
- nah just a bot
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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help