2015 Holiday Earn and Refer Contests

for the holiday season we’ll be featuring our traditional “Who Can Earn The Most”, now with dual US and non-US payouts!

[SIZE=“4”]Earnings Contest [/SIZE]

earn the most points or cash from completing offers, surveys, coin offers, videos, shopping, radio or tasks!

Place - US - Intl
1st - $50 - $50
2nd - $35 - $30
3rd - $25 - $10
4th - $20 - $8
5th - $18 - $8
6th - $15 - $7
7th - $15 - $7
8th - $12 - $6
9th - $12 - $6
10th - $12 - $5
11th - $10 - $5
12th - $10 - $4
13th - $7 - $4
14th - $7 - $3
15th - $7 - $3
16th - $5 - $2
17th - $5 - $2
18th - $5 - $2
19th - $5 - $2
20th - $5 - $2

[SIZE=“4”]Referral Contest [/SIZE]

instead of having set prizes, this seasons referral contest will be run a little differently. simply meet the minimum requirement and get paid!

Requirement: Refer at least 30 active new users within contest period.

Bonus: Earn +30% on ALL referral earnings within contest period

an active user counts as one who completes at least one offer, survey or coin offer.

[SIZE=“4”]Contest Conditions[/SIZE]

  • contest period: Friday Nov 27 12am to Monday Jan 11 11:59pm
  • all members are automatically entered
  • winners will be paid after the contest period once passed verification

good luck and happy holidays to everyone from the staff here at R1 :slight_smile:

Awesome contest Bean!!! Good luck everyone!!!

Thanks bean, this will be fun!

Yes finally another contest, really excited to see how much I can earn!!!


Good luck! Also, thanks for having great prizes for intl! :slight_smile:

Could someone explain this a little simpler? Is it what I think it is?

OMG! so I will earn 55%+30% = 85% on ALL referral earnings within contest period. after I reach 30 active. I <3 BEANs! toot-toot

sorry let me clarify:

refer 30 active referrals within the contest period, and receive an additional 30% on what you’d normally make on ALL referral earnings.

so Tournastuz, who refers over 30 active refs, makes $100 from all his referrals during the contest period, would get a $30 bonus.

additional 30% on those earrings is still amazing LonelyBEANs!!

additional 30% on those earrings is still amazing LonelyBEANs!![/QUOTE]

Filing copyright on the Tournastuz name.

the referral tab still says 0/30

Can confirm:

Active Refs: 0/30 (0%)

Status: 30 more for holiday bonus!


[QUOTE=bean;46786]for the holiday season we’ll be featuring our traditional “Who Can Earn The Most”, now with dual US and non-US payouts!

[SIZE=“4”]Earnings Contest [/SIZE]

earn the most points or cash from completing offers, surveys, coin offers, videos, shopping, radio or tasks!

Place - US - Intl
1st - $50 - $50
2nd - $35 - $30
3rd - $25 - $10
4th - $20 - $8
5th - $18 - $8
6th - $15 - $7
7th - $15 - $7
8th - $12 - $6
9th - $12 - $6
10th - $12 - $5
11th - $10 - $5
12th - $10 - $4
13th - $7 - $4
14th - $7 - $3
15th - $7 - $3
16th - $5 - $2
17th - $5 - $2
18th - $5 - $2
19th - $5 - $2
20th - $5 - $2

[SIZE=“4”]Referral Contest [/SIZE]

instead of having set prizes, this seasons referral contest will be run a little differently. simply meet the minimum requirement and get paid!

Requirement: Refer at least 30 active new users within contest period.

Bonus: Earn +30% on ALL referral earnings within contest period

an active user counts as one who completes at least one offer, survey or coin offer.

good luck and happy holidays to everyone from the staff here at R1 :)[/QUOTE]

Will Earning spillover? As in if a referral earns 0.35$ I’d have 0.35$ in the main earnings contest?

course not. silly

Pls no don’t hurt me I just wanna live I never meant for war I didn’t know that’s what we did here pls no oh god am i gonna die

Still saying I have zero active refs on my end!

I would imagine this is related to the [thread=9338]DBerror[/thread] [SIZE=“1”](correct me if I’m wrong?)[/SIZE] that is currently in the process of being fixed (if it hasn’t been already). that’s pretty unfortunate as well, unable to get ref earnings during a contest, but Staff are working hard to fix it :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=bean;46797]sorry let me clarify:

refer 30 active referrals within the contest period, and receive an additional 30% on what you’d normally make on ALL referral earnings.

so Tournastuz, who refers over 30 active refs, makes $100 from all his referrals during the contest period, would get a $30 bonus.[/QUOTE] the beat is here bewcaiusaux

:p;):):):):):):slight_smile: hope i win!

Congratz to all the winners!

United States

1 witsrk
2 user_206499
3 jmxrux
4 awesomeness2800
5 Seattle
6 toprol25
7 SirW33Dnj
8 LiMiTx
9 BlueberrySlurpee
10 randomguy2k3
11 sophie100
12 SoapyIlluzion
13 Darky
14 Jayson6767
15 sarahodigie
16 Snakehawk100
17 elbosscontreras
18 crisis120
19 SoraTheDarkness
54 TourneDisque


1 xan1
2 thegreatone
3 likeliverpool
4 skifail
5 xxhasanxx
6 DeductedCargo
7 TurtyTurt
9 Lizzy1wiz
10 Rewarders1
11 TiteFleur
12 annabelle69
13 xjamxfinsher
14 HeyZlime
15 crowang
16 maqjav
17 BallisticFag
18 tammy23
19 Ihtbooboo
20 Futuramic