Tweaks, Facelift, and a Contest!

While where on the subject of facelift, how about a dark theme for us elites and gamers that need something easy on the eyes.


Hey …

Here is my First suggestion :

#1 : Colors for Ranks !! I mean ROOKIE rank be colored by White !!

>> ROOKIE <<

And then : JUNIOR , SENIOR , VETERAN , ELITE and LEGEND with Gold !!

I see it is Good one :slight_smile: ( every new member wants more benefits for his new Rank !! )
More coming next

there are many who are Latino and early this pag confund?as treat all the language is a barrier to more people help this by this pag and opened more mobility

[QUOTE=TourneDisque;35906]While where on the subject of facelift, how about a dark theme for us elites and gamers that need something easy on the eyes.



I love that design! :smiley: The logo would be a bit smaller personally but I much prefer it over the quite gaudy colours at the moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

The colors are a bit too bright, in my opinion. It also looks less professional than before…I liked the previous layout :frowning:

@Tourne I got nothing against this design but your design? I’m in love <3

Information is misspelled for ‘Account Information’

in the beginning we are noobs and dont know what to do and i understand what these rookies are going through cuz i used to be one of them. i believe a little walk-through/guide to the website should help/clear up some question that they might have because many new comers ask in chat “what do i do”?
“do games earn you points”? “whats a rookie”?>_< so when the first time you sign in a little pop up walk-through saying welcome to rewards1 where you earn points/cash and redeem those points/cash to get prizes and cash. and the walkthrough should guide you around the site showing what to do. like it should guide you around the offers and tell them to try one. this walkthrough should have arrows pointing to bar menu tell them what it is and tell them what r ranks and how to improve them and help clear up that to rank up its ref or how many points you have earn.

any question with this dont be afraid to PM me because this have so much information that you need to do this. you can do a video or you can do the walkthrough but the walkthrough will be so much better cuz they are seeing and learning what to do

[QUOTE=TourneDisque;35906]While where on the subject of facelift, how about a dark theme for us elites and gamers that need something easy on the eyes.


Yes I agree, but why not to have the “Classic” theme (the old one)?

And another random thing: I cant use the slide bar (maybe Scroll bar, I’m not sure how is it called) normally, because chat covers some of it :frowning:

[QUOTE=edve98;35937]Yes I agree, but why not to have the “Classic” theme (the old one)?

And another random thing: I cant use the slide bar (maybe Scroll bar, I’m not sure how is it called) normally, because chat covers some of it :([/QUOTE]

Click the gear in the top right of the chat box and set the height to normal. It should be small enough to get the drop-down menu now :stuck_out_tongue:
(Totally assuming you’re talking about that you can’t reach the profile menu that has “account”, “History”, “Profile page”, “Mailbox”, etc.)

Is very ok

EveryWhere in this iste we can find something cool , :D:) > Have a good time at this very interesting site :slight_smile: visit now

[QUOTE=bean;35855]We’ve made some minor improvements and cosmetic changes that we hope you like, take a look around and let us know what you think!

One addition made to help new users with the different ways to earn, was by adding an ‘Info’ and/or ‘Tips’ help drop down to each earn page.

Help us improve new user experience by suggesting any critical information or “million dollar tip” that we may have missed, on any earn page with a dropdown, and we’ll credit your account with 50 points if we use your suggestion.

Please respond to this thread with your suggestion(s), NUMBERING EACH CLEARLY.

Have fun, contest ends Mon June 24, please enjoy :)[/QUOTE]

Well, you should have a help section, contact

Everyone here is a rewards1 member already so there’s no point in putting your link here =/

There is one,

There’s also a FAQ here

And if you still have questions, there’s always the forums :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=lis281;35864]1. Can’t people AFK for 5 hrs around the clock to get points?
2. Rewards1 had a page but it was sadly blocked on facebook :frowning: That’s why you can’t post your ref link on Facebook.
3. The reason I think Rookies can’t send/receive points is to prevent begging. Also, it prevents people who might abuse the system. For example, someone may keep completing the Beginner’s quest on multiple accounts and send the points to the main account.[/QUOTE]


English please?

OTT: I still don’t like this layout >_<

Suggestion (:

#1: I have noticed in the account tab under our username where you can edit your profile, there is a privacy tab where you can add a newsletter code. I think you should get rid of that because it doesn’t seem to get much use. But, a cool idea would be to give a code to people (through e-mail) for reaching different status level… (rookie to junior, junior to senior, so on) For example, when somebody levels up a status they receive a code and they can get a range of points from that code. It would be a great way to motivate people on this site to get referrals, earn points, and get more involved with the rewards1 community.


remove all the ads or pop-ups there very annoying :I and have more ways for ppl to get more points

Rewards1 does not control what the offers do :stuck_out_tongue: And the advertisements also help this become possible. When you do an offer, the creator of the offer gets money from ads, which then can be then given to rewards1, then to you.

(Or whatever)

you are just copying **********. think of something original…